Netflix is hiding results from VPN users!
Thank you so much for your work and time
@admin I found the same and, through the links in this site, you can actually access the movie start page. But, as soon as you play it, an unpleasant screen like "Pardon the interruption, if you are using an unblocker or a proxy please disable". Did anybody encounter the same issue?
Hi! I use a vpn and connect to different regions to access netflix, and I’ve noticed that for the last few weeks when I connect to one of this servers and access netflix, netflix only shows the netflix original content that’s available worldwide, like I can have 10 shows on my list (Like the office), and it will only show 3 and all of them NO (like ozark, dead to me), I thought this was an issue with my vpn, so I contacted my vpn support to get help, but it’s good, tho really sad, to know that this is netflix’s doing! Thanks for updating us. (Also i’m not sure if this is the issue you guys are talking about)
I used my VPN in Canada, searched Iron Man 3 and it showd up. Perhaps an issue with your VPN rather than them 'hiding' anything?
What vpn did you use to access Netflix?
Yes it does depend on your VPN, but its not just Canada... there are Hundreds of examples across many countries
@admin Just tested South Korea... first with ExpressVPN. Toy Story did not show up, it would also not let me play it, even using your direct link (proxy/VPN error). However, it would let me play some South Korean dramas that aren't available in other regions. However, I changed to Surfshark, connected to South Korea, Toy Story shows up when searching and will let me play it. I still don't feel Netflix is hiding titles for VPN users, they're simply blocking connections utilised by many users as they always have done.
ExpressVPN for Canada worked fine.
This post is deleted! -
So with ExpressVPN Toy Story did not show up... Thank you for making my point, its there but it didn't show up, kind of the definition of hiding.. no?
I am not suggesting that any 1 VPN should work over any others (it changes all the time) what I'm saying is that Netflix is hiding titles from some users based on their source address... Which they are!
I just tried again... looks like all IronMan titles are now showing in Canada, so I changed my example... moving targets :)
Hi Team,
I tried follow thing this instructions. However, it still doesn't play it looks like Netflix is detecting i am using Express VPN from the browser. (
Please advise.
@dappermaster you should contact expressVPN as the OP suggests
Hello there,
even if I click watch now from uNoGS (eg. Twin Peaks), I get an error on Netflix.
That's the website where they send me to:
Any help about it?Thanks
Isn't it almost the reverse situation. For alot of situations where they would detect a VPN before and just block everything, now they let you see and watch what you could see at your normal location? It's a changing world that's for sure. Undetected VPNs still seem to be able to search/play stuff, but that list is pretty darn small now.
We cannot help if your VPN provider is getting caught by Netflix, you need to take it up with them
Its a good point and looking at it I will probably take some of the emphasis off this post... Early on you were able to actually watch the title when clicking through directly but as you rightfully point out, now it seems that they are specifically blocking some content and hiding those results.
hi why are you paying for trash vpn?, i just search for free vpn who unblocks netflix and i found this awesome free vpn that unblocks all catologue from every netflix that is a server on vpn it has more than 100 servers but less than 8 countries, does not have portugal switzerland etc, i already tried some paid vpns ufo vpn touch vpn and govpn and get this issue with missing more of 70 per cent of catologue, but i dont share this vpn with anyone because the only motive that this free vpn works fine on netflix is because almost no one knows of his existence, and i also tell that all vpn reccommend on this site stopped working already so go search, i am considering buying panda vpn because has a lot of dedicated netflix servers but is too expensive considering that i already have to paid netflix subscription and the ripping software yes i dont watch anything online i rip and burn on bluray disc
i forgot to say that speed is only 100kbps but is a cheap price to pay for unlock other countries netflix