I'm in trouble to get the full list of series and movies available for a country.
I'm trying to get all the list of film and movies for the France ( cl =45).
My request is : https://unogsng.p.rapidapi.com/search?q=&cl=45&p=1&t=ns&st=adv.
I'm getting 100 results. I understood reeding on the forum that this limit is a normal thing and i understand ! But when i'm moving on what i consider as page 2 :
https://unogsng.p.rapidapi.com/search?q=&cl=45&p=2&t=ns&st=adv , I'm getting the same json output . Is this normal ? How can i manage to get all the list ?Thanks.
@dark1che there is no paging on unogsNG you need to use offset... offset=100 should do it..
Also, cl is now countrylist, please look at the endpoint docs
Okay i will try this. I knew about the country list. Thanks for the answer.
It works ! Thanks again